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Five Jobs We’d Love to Eavesdrop On!

February 24th, 2012

Once I sat in a quiet subway car with two friends, both orthopedic surgeons, who had just come away from a strange case, a patient who had sustained several fractures after falling from a five story building. My friends didn’t share the patient’s name of course, so I felt free to eavesdrop, and this conversation taught me more about the realities of surgery than all the hospital themed TV shows I had ever watched. I wondered if my job would ever sound that interesting to anyone.

Would anybody ever invite me to speak on Career Day after overhearing my conversations with my colleagues?  I raised the subject at my office, and everyone chimed in with a list of workplaces they’ve always wanted to spy on. Here are some of the most intriguing jobs we came up with:


What do conversations sound like on an international space station? After a long day, do astronauts talk about TV shows and sporting events while they float in zero gravity eating rehydrated ice cream? And during the busiest moments of the nine to five grind (what do those hours look like in space?) what kind of collegial chatter goes on up there?

Movie Director

If you’re a movie director, today you may need to blow up a building, and tomorrow you’ll need to bring a tyrannosaurus to life, pamper an unhappy star, or create the most subtle and complex feelings in your audience using a magical combination of lighting, acting cues, and effects. Movie directors talk shop just like the rest of us, but what does it sound like when they do? We would love to find out.

Bartender or Hairstylist

Bartenders and hairstylists have access to the most privileged information you’ll find anywhere. Some of us share tidbits with these two that we wouldn’t even discuss with a therapist or spouse. We’d like to drop in on that gossip and glean some insights into the complexities of human nature.

CIA Operative

Is the life of a CIA agent anything like it is in the movies? Anything at all? If we can’t eavesdrop on their conversations, how will we ever know if all those action sequences and high stakes capers are realistic?

Your Job

What about your job? What goes on in behind-the-scenes conversations between you and your colleagues? Here at Merritt Staffing in CT, we love everything about the world of work. We love thinking about work, talking about jobs, studying employment statistics, and finding out what people do all day.  And we want to hear from you. Leave a comment below. And if you could use some employment-related advice, contact our office and find out how we can make your work life more fulfilling, fascinating and productive.

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