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What Does your Online Reputation Say to Candidates?

September 11th, 2015

When talented potential candidates research your organization online, what do they find? And how do these findings influence their decision to choose your company over the competition? As you launch your next candidate search, keep in mind that the selection process moves in two directions, and your best candidates will be scrutinizing you just as carefully as you scrutinize them. Keep these considerations in mind as you move forward.

Put yourself in your candidate’s shoes.

Place yourself in the position of your candidate and run your company’s name through a search engine like Google. Review the items that appear at the top of the list and try to interpret these items the way your ideal candidate might. Do these articles, blogs, social media sites and reviews make your company look interesting, hip, successful, and ethical? Do they make the company seem financially stable? Based on your first impression of the information you find, would you want to work here? Why or why not?

Know where top candidates are looking as they search for information.

Keep in mind that most savvy candidates don’t stop after a quick Google search. Sites like Glassdoor and can provide more information about your company culture, what it’s like to work here, how former employees would describe the experience, and of course, how your salary offers line up with others in the marketplace. Keep in mind that your candidate will be seeking out unbiased sources of information that are not sponsored by the company, and your glossy brochure or slick website can’t compete with an unbiased source that provides conflicting information.

Flood the airwaves.

If you don’t like what you find, take action. Establish a social media presence for your organization if you don’t have one already, and make an effort to encourage positive information that can change your message and your reputation for the better. While you’re at it, get ready to defend or explain some of the details that are circulating in the world if your candidate decides to ask about them during the interview process. For example, if your candidate asks you for more information about a recent bankruptcy hearing, an ethical scandal, or a pending merger, don’t be caught off guard. Have your answer ready.

Be proactive.

Before your online reputation becomes a concern, make sure plenty of positive information is published an available. Encourage your current employees to praise the company on social media if they’re happy here. Offer incentives for positive Tweets and posts. You may even consider providing hiring bonuses and rewards for those who actively promote the company to potential employees among their social media connections.

For more on how to attract talented candidates and keep your reputation strong, contact the experienced staffing team at Merritt Staffing.

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