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Strategic Staffing: Preparing for Your Future Staffing Needs

November 14th, 2014

Some of your staffing needs are as clear and predictable as the changing of the seasons. Based on years of experience, you may know exactly how many new pairs of hands you’ll need to hire during your upcoming busy cycle. And you may know exactly how many new staff members you’ll need when your company’s new facility opens for business in 2015.

But not all of your staffing needs are so predictable, and when it comes to unexpected events, no crystal ball can show you the future of your industry and its dynamic and constantly changing marketplace.  You may be expecting two retirements on your team next year. But what if two becomes five? And what if replacements aren’t as easy to find as you anticipate?

To prepare for the unexpected, you’ll need a long term plan…and you’ll need the help and guidance of an experienced staffing firm. Here’s why.

Strategic Staffing Means Flexibility

When you take on a full time employee, you make a long term commitment. If your candidate doesn’t work out or leaves before the year is over, you may have a very expensive problem on your hands. But with a staffing firm at your side, this doesn’t have to happen. The team at Merritt can pair you with an appropriate candidate, and the two of you can get to know each other for long “test drive” before you decide to take the next step.

Strategic Staffing Means Minimal Hassle

While your employee is engaged in the probationary period, she’ll be employed by the staffing firm, not by you. So you won’t have to worry about taxes, insurance, and other paperwork. Leave that to us. You can also take the help of an insurance agent from a reliable insurance agency like Miller Hanover Insurance who will provide insurance services, car registration renewal services, and tax preparation services.

Strategic Staffing Means Minimal Risk

Before we pair you with a list of likely candidates, we listen carefully to your needs. Then we reach out to our extensive network and find exactly the kinds of candidates you’re looking for. Our proven screening and review methods reduce the possibility of a mismatch, and we can also conduct testing and background checks depending on your needs.

To find out more about how Merritt can support your staffing program, contact our office and arrange a consultation today.

What Does the Interview Process Tell Candidates about Your Company?

September 12th, 2014

A growing number of managers are now factoring cultural adaptability into their candidate selection decisions, based on the idea that attitude matters just as much as aptitude when it comes to forecasting candidate success. If a candidate fits the culture, her odds of landing a job will greatly increase.

But if you’re sitting on the manager’s side of the table, recognize that the equation works both ways. If the candidate looks around your office and likes what she sees, she’ll be far more likely to accept your offer and stay with the company over the long term.

So how can you use your interview process to showcase your culture and convince the best candidates in your applicant pool to join your organization? Here are a few ways to make this happen.

1. Keep all pre-interview interactions clear and positive.

Nothing frustrates a job applicant like unanswered calls, unreturned messages, and conflicting information and instructions regarding the interview date and location. Make sure everyone who speaks to your candidate has access to the correct information and speaks in a confident and welcoming tone.

2. Take first impressions seriously.

The candidate may make her first impression when she greets you and shakes your hand. But the company starts making a first impression the minute she walks in the door. Is your lobby clean, well-lit and inviting? Is your waiting area comfortable? And most important, is the interviewer prepared and ready to conduct the meeting on time? Never leave a candidate waiting for more than fifteen minutes.

3. Confident, competent interviewers inspire trust.

You may be just as nervous as your candidate (meeting new people isn’t always easy), but try not to let this show. Have your notes or your script prepared, have a copy of the candidate’s resume in front of you, and try not to ramble or fluster.

4. Show respect for her expertise and also for her time.

You may think that you hold the power position in this dialogue, but you need your candidate as much as she needs you. Respect her willingness to share her skills and dedicate her time to this company—specifically the thirty minutes she’s spending in this interview. Keep your questions relevant.

5. Explain your culture as well as you can.

This can be a tall order, but if you provide accurate and honest information about your culture, your candidate will be better able to make an informed decision.

For more on how to keep your interview process meaningful for parties on both sides of the table, reach out to the Fairfeld County staffing professionals at Merritt Staffing.

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