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Attract Temporary Employees by Promoting Their Best Interests

September 14th, 2012

If your business depends on the work of contract and temporary employees, than their success means your success. And if they experience confusion, legal troubles, tax issues, orientation problems, training problems, or a negative workplace that drives them away, then you’re the one who suffers. Remember: in our post-recession “gig economy” where a growing number of people are staying independent and carrying their skills on their backs, freelancers and contractors can find work anywhere. Especially if they’re highly talented, high turnover doesn’t present problems for them like it does for you.

So keep them happy, and you’ll reap the benefits. Alienate them, and you’ll lose time and money. Here are a few steps that can help you look out for the best interests of your contract workers.

Attract and Keep Great Contract and Temporary Employees by Promoting Their Best Interests

1. If you choose a temporary staffing firm to populate your workplace, choose one that treats its employees well, provides them with on-the-job insurance coverage, and ideally provides medical benefits, especially for those who work full time. You won’t be covering these issues yourself (a key advantage of temporary employment), but choose a company that takes care of your workers so your workers will take care of you.

2. Temporary employees need fast training, but don’t compromise thoroughness and accuracy. Not only will proper training lower error rates and improve efficiency, it can also elevate workplace safety.

3. All temporary contracts don’t have to come with the promise of potential full time work, but offering opportunities for stability and advancement may increase worker engagement.

4. Make sure your contracts are clear and are understood by all parties. There are few greater hassles than an after-the-fact dispute about payment or work responsibilities between a manager, a temporary employee, and a staffing agency.

5. If you don’t use a staffing agency but instead contract directly with freelancers, clarity is even more important than ever. Be sure all terms are written and agreed upon beforehand, including responsibilities, time tables, expectations, and payment. Never try to adjust pay rates after the work has been completed. There’s no faster way to lose an employee, damage your reputation, or find yourself facing a lawsuit.

6. Freelance and temporary employees offer a great way to cut costs and sidestep the risk that comes with a long term commitment. But for every risk we avoid by contracting with temporary help, we adopt a different form of risk. Make sure your managers (and your budget) are flexible enough to handle the unexpected.

Looking for a great temporary staffing agency in Connecticut? Try our temp staffing agency in Fairfield county at Merritt Staffing! We can connect you to the experienced, qualified temporary help you need to keep your business moving forward.

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